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“Ribanje pod ukres”

“Ribanje pod ukres” je priča o specifičnom načinu ribanja, u kome je narator ribar Bato Delać.

Brand New Tivat je u saradnji sa rediteljem Dušanom Vulekovićem kreirao kratke dokumentarne filmove čiji koncept se oslanja na ideju očuvanja autentičnih priča o Tivtu i tradicionalnih događaja od zaborava.

Teme koje su pretočene u dokumentarne filmove odabrao je kreativni tim na čelu sa Nevenom Staničićem, direktorom Centra za Kulturu Tivat.

“Fishing under the light”

Ribanje pod ukres

“Fishing under the light” is a story about the specific traditional method of fishing, narrated by fisherman Bato Delać. Brand New Tivat, in partnership with director Dušan Vulekovć, created short documentary clips based on the idea of preserving authentic stories about Tivat and keeping traditional events form oblivion. These themes turned into movies were chosen by our creative team lead by Neven Staničić, director of Cultural Center Tivat.
